party extravaganza and such

Dec 04, 2004 03:31

So, attila_the_fun and I played a film fundraising party at 1611 Ridge tonight. Too tired from the week (not to mention four hours on my feet behind the decks) to really comment much, but here are highlights:

Several repeat requests for crappy music.
One girl saying to my face, 'Umm, people are leaving because the music sucks.'
Me blatantly dismissing her
Her coming up about an hour later and requesting three songs, then offering (between herself and her friend) oral sex to myself and Joe if all of these songs got played. I do not remember what the songs were. I do not care. She wasn't even that attractive.
One girl coming up, grinding on Joe, then seeing my vinyl and saying something like 'OMG VINYL!!!11 IS THAT YOURS????' (to Joe)
Joe: 'No, it's his'
She proceeded to sit down behind me and dig through my records for some minutes while I spun, occasionally tugging on my arm to ask me random questions ('where are you from?' etc). She was drunk and touchy. It was very bizarre. Joe has a picture of her sitting behind me. It is perhaps the best party picture of all time.
She later called me on having JFK spoken word in my crate. So I handed her 'THE BIG SOUNDS OF THE DRAGS' and she stopped talking to me.
Meryl Streep's daughter coming up from the floor below threatening to call the cops if we didn't turn the music down.
End of party.

Anyway, I'm in my room now, headed in the general direction of bed, listening to a Xela record, enjoying it thoroughly. I am very, very tired. Apologies for inarticulacy as a result of the aforementioned.

hubbub, hilarity, parties

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