Sep 17, 2004 20:01
Hey, you know what's awesome? Pulling down 14.2 gigs of files from my Medianet account via cable modem and VPN. This takes about three minutes in Louis, but Louis has, uh, gigabit ethernet on every box. So, I'm looking at about one thousandth of the speed if I'm lucky. So, let's see...14.2 gigs is roughly 15,000 megs; my drop gets me (theoretically) three megs per second, but I'm counting on more like 300Kbps; that's 15,000/0.3. So at the rate I'm guessing this will go, I'll be downloading...for...138WHOA HEY I FORGOT A DECIMAL PLACE 14 hours.
Well, at least the stuff still exists at all. I mean, given that it was supposed to have been deleted a month ago.