Jan 18, 2006 20:25
As was recommended, I am posting more on lj because, hey, what else is a young Canadian male within the age demographic of 13-17 supposed to do with his time? Aside from eating popcorn and priming his ears for frost bite after a brisk bike ride through the unusually windy city. I'll tell you one thing he is highly advised not to do, lick flag poles. Nope, not a good idea at all. You want to know why? I'll tell you why. What is it that everyone does when they're really bored and it's cold? They lick flag poles! Not only is it unoriginal, it's a health hazzard! With all those kids licking the flag poles, think of all the germs that are crawling all over that piece of patiotism incarnate! There's a real nice thing you'll probably like, try licking a flag pole if you want to get it, it's called MONO!!!! Urgh, that would be the worst way to get mono, from a flag pole. You don't even get the benefit of some kissing before they haul you away for two months and you aren't allowed to eat milk products or certain brands of Nestle chocolate bars. All in all, don't go licking flag poles, bad idea. You know what else really sucks? Deep sea tornadoes. You know what I mean? I mean, you're just swimming along, seven miles below sea level, and then all of a sudden, BOOM! You just get sucked up the huge funnel into the eye of the hurricane and just float around there, watching cows and men in bathtubs and the wicked witch of the west spinning all around with you, in a wild world of wind. Funny how that annecdote tied into my original statement which was grounded in reality, huh? I'm just like that. Purely by accident, I do assure you, and apologise quite profusely in the meanwhile. Anywhile..... I suppose An actual post like tis calls for a big razz-ma-tazz, over the top and completely unecessary finish so......
And allllllllll thaaaaaaaaaaaaat jaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!! That jazz. BOOM!
Ciao peoples. ;)