So first off, here's a "highlights" video from our karate demo on Saturday for those who are interested:
Mall Demo 4/22/06 And me doing bo staff:
Kristen's Mediocre Bo Form (the sound didn't transfer very well when I digitized this stuff, so I added the music that I actually use from the form to the video file in approximately the right place).
And finally, I'm putting up my student Brandon's bo form. I'm really proud of how much he's improved at bo staff in the last year, which is all the time he's been using it. It's amazing how much better he's gotten. I wish I could take credit for it, and I can for some of the improvement to his basics, but he's pretty much done this on his own. He practices like a madman. He's gone from starting karate to the black belt division in a year and a half, and I won't be surprised to see him beating a lot of the experienced black belt competitors at weapons before the year is out. So for contrast, first you get
his bo form from last May (his first time competing with bo staff and only about 2 weeks after he actually got his staff), and then
his bo form from Saturday. It's like night and day.