Astrology I have been interested in for
many years
Alps As in the beautiful southern alps in NZ
Aggression No, not me, I'm not aggressive
Animals Definitely an animal lover, mainly dogs
Appetite I eat a big meal at dinner time
but not a lot during the day
After life I believe there is definitely something after
we have passed from this life, (I have
some proof) ..
Ambidextrous I can use my right as well as my left hand to
do many things
Apologies I apologise easily
Average My school marks, except
for english and spelling, I got A's
Aspartame Nasty stuff I try and avoid
Angelic New born babies
Angora I love my angora throw when it is cooler
Aniseed One of the ingredients in a
herbal tea I drink (not very nice)
Anti-social No way, not me
Argumentative Only when I am very very positive that I
am right ...