Пандемия и древние земледельцы

Oct 07, 2020 23:55

Пару недель назад в Фейсбуке вышел очерк по поводу эпидемий энеолита, как оно фиксируется археологами для Северной Европы, и как оно якобы отразилось на упадке Трипольской культуры ( Read more... )

архео, наука, цивилизационное, thanatos, история, пандемии

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научно-популярное (осторожно, спекуляции!) den_king October 7 2020, 21:43:20 UTC
*** Callaway Ewen. “Bronze Age skeletons were earliest plague victims” (22 Oct. 2015) doi:10.1038/nature.2015.18633

*** Callaway Ewen. “Plague linked to the mysterious decline of Europe’s first farmers” (06 Dec. 2018)

*** Choi Charles Q. “Ancient, Unknown Strain of Plague Found in 5,000-Year-Old Tomb in Sweden” (06 Dec. 2018)

*** Gabbatiss Josh. “Ancient plague may have wiped out Stone Age farmers in Europe”. (06 Dec. 2018)

*** Guy Jack. “Ancient plague helped determine genetics of the modern European, study says” (08 Dec. 2018)

*** Kahn Robert, Burdeau Cain. “Plagues and Humanity” (11 May 2020).

*** King Anthony, “How did the plague reshape Bronze Age Europe?” (03 Dec. 2019)

*** Leafloor Liz. “Prehistoric Disaster: Nearly 100 Bodies Found Stacked in Ancient House in China” (27 Jul. 2015)

*** Rascovan Nicolas. “A bacterium with the power of changing the course of Human history” (15 March 2019)

*** Sample Ian. “Earliest plague strain found in Sweden holds clue to stone age migration from east” (06 Dec. 2018)

Stuff Editor. “Prehistoric Plague Pandemic Probable According to Ancient DNA Analysis”. (06 Dec. 2018)

*** Wade Lizzie. “Did a new form of plague destroy Europe’s Stone Age societies?” (06 Dec. 2018)

*** Маркина Надежда. “ Источник чумы в неолите - мегапоселения трипольской культуры?” (13 Dec. 2018)

*** Маркина Надежда. “ Чуму в Европу принесли ямники?” (09 Jan.2017)


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