Look, a meme!

Sep 04, 2012 14:45

Swiped this from kyaraelf. Maybe I'll manage to post every day. Even more exciting, maybe I'll manage to post every day without shrieking about politics.

You can answer the prompt however you would like, since it's your journal and your meme after it leaves the monkey tree. I'll be writing ficlets to answer them. Drabble or doodle or just ramble on the topic. Fandom or real life. Speak for yourself or for a character. Have fun. You don't have to spread it out over 30 days if you don't want to, either, you can answer them all at once. Or take a few months.

What do you get if you finish? A banana, of course! Well, a virtual one, or a real one, since you'll be giving it to yourself, have your banana any way you like it!

1 - Color
2 - The first character you fell in love with/became obsessed with
3 - Something you wish had never happened/or had happened
4 - A love scene
5 - Childhood memory
6 - Candy
7 - A letter/note to your future self
8 - Ten things you would like to say to ten different people (feel free to use an alias in lieu of names)
9 - Favorite or least favorite teacher/instructor/professor
10 - A death scene
11 - A fandom you didn't think you'd like but got sucked into
12 - Tattoo
13 - Secondary character: favorite or least favorite
14 - Superpower
15 - 3 Favorite characters or 3 least favorite characters
16 - Stuffed animal
17 - Villain
18 - Dear Diary
19 - Favorite guest star
20 - Demonologist/geek/researcher
21 - 3 Favorite pairings or 3 least favorite pairings
22 - Character you wish hadn’t died
23 - Clumsy
24 - Happy place
25 - Fun face
26 - A character you never expected to love, but do
27 - Character you'd slap or a character that might slap you!
28 - Rainbow
29 - Character you wish was a real life buddy of yours

1. Color

One of my recent status updates was as follows, "I can't actually differentiate when I'm being weird honestly, because the spirit moves me, from when I'm being weird self-consciously, because I want to be contrary or because I feel like it's expected." I bring this up because I'm reminded of a story from high school that ties in nicely.

My favorite color is blue, always has been. In 12th grade, our English teacher asked us without explaining why, to write either "Black" or "Gold" on a sheet of paper and hand it in. My friend Ken wrote "Blue" and, following his cue, I wrote "Blue," too. We therefore ended up being the captains of an impromptu trivia game. The reason I mention this is that we both got singled out, but Ken was really the one who was marching to his own drummer. I was only tagging along. It's been a long time, but I still find myself wondering if I'm really unique and interesting or just a good copycat.


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