Math isn't THAT hard, unless you're Paul Ryan

Aug 22, 2012 17:07

Vastly irritated by the announcement that the Republican platform has a "Constitutional Amendment to ban abortion." Leaving aside the moral dimension of the choice argument, it's the worst kind of political theater. It takes 2/3s of the House and Senate to pass an amendment and right now we can't get 2/3s of the House and Senate to agree that the sun rises in the east. And then it's on to the state legislatures where thirteen states voting no will flush this potential amendment into the dustbin of history. The ERA got as high as 35 states, and the ERA was a hell of a lot more popular in its day than the anti-choice position is now.

So if you believe that all abortions are wrong, no matter the circumstances, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're standing by your beliefs. If you think there's going to be a Constitutional Amendment overturning Roe v. Wade in your lifetime, you're very gullible and I'll be sure to remember you if I go into Nigerian banking.

asshats, politics

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