You mean the patron saint of hearts, because he got his cut out...

Feb 14, 2011 10:22

Today's Valentine's Day and in the spirit of always trying to seem like the most miserable bastard alive, I set my Facebook status as, "I hate when Valentines Day falls on Monday, cos when I drink my lonely ass to sleep tonight, it's going to mess up the entire rest of the week." For the record, I don't really care about Valentine's Day and don't really notice it anymore unless someone reminds me.

I suspect my opinion might be different if I had actual Valentines, but since most of my relationships can be measured in hours, this hasn't happened. But it does remind me of something. One of my favoring ideas, and the reason I always make a big deal of my birthday, is that everyone deserves to be celebrated by someone. We should all get a chance to be the center of positive attention and of someone's world, even if it's only for a day, because we're all worth it.

And I guess, despite it commemorating a particularly gruesome martyrdom and being mostly an invention of the evil greeting card industry, that's why in the final analysis, Valentine's Day isn't so bad. But if my mom sends me a valentine this year, I'm tearing it up.


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