Wanted: One life

Nov 10, 2010 12:32

I really need to stop reading blogs on a daily basis. For one thing, there's entirely too much either/or thinking. One idiot on Daily Kos is trying to convince people that Barack Obama is a Blue Dog, and when anyone responds in the negative, the guy explains all the ways in which Obama isn't a liberal. Well, that's great, but there's a big fucking gap between Blue Dog and liberal wherein much of the Democratic caucus resides. And that of course is leaving aside the fact that Blue Dogs opposed most of the President's agenda. How can he be a Blue Dog if the Blue Dogs don't like his ideas?

The other thing is all the articles about polls. Well, polls were important up until November 2, and they will become important again when the 112th Congress has a chance to do stuff for voters to react to. For now, they're just so much hot air. In fact, there's really nothing important going on the world of politics, since the President's on tour and the lame duck Congress doesn't come into session until next week. So what are you people yammering about? And more importantly, why I am listening? Don't I have better things to do?


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