Like Garion, only different

Oct 21, 2010 12:31

So I invented a word yesterday:

pirg (v.), to solicit passing pedestrians for worthy causes.

I had lunch with gee_tar and hca yesterday in Davis Square, and all three of us were separately asked "for a moment of our time" by fellow with a cause, a clipboard, and an earnest expression. Folks like this are pretty common in urban areas, running voter drives, passing around petitions, asking for donations, things like that. One of the original examples of this is the Public Interest Resource Group (PIRG), which was founded by Ralph Nader, back before he was the Senile Antichrist, to advocate and solicit funds for causes "in the public interest" like protecting the environment or consumer safety. Hence, to pirg. I hope it catches on.

Also, came up with a neat parallel between an author and a band. To me, Roger Zelzany is the Queen of the science fiction world. Both were endlessly varied, endlessly interested, but usually recognizable. Both had grander ambitions than may of their genre peers: Zelzany's work could be very literary, while Queen had explicit operatic and theatrical aspirations. And most of all, their work was usually good, and when it was good it was incredible, but when it was not good, it was bloody awful, like "Body Language" by Queen or Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming by Zelazny (with Robert Sheckley). Oh, and they both went out on something of a high not. Queen's last album while Freddy was alive is the competent and occasionally amazing Innuendo, while the last book Roger completed (as far as I know) was the delightful A Night in the Lonesome October. Everyone who hasn't should check them both out.

music, books, misc

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