In the first chapter of The Lord or the Rings, Bilbo throws a party for his 111th birthday, and Plot happens. In the exposition, Prof. Tolkien uses the following phrase, "Eleventy-one, a curious number." I mention this because it is Leap Day, a curious day in itself, but made even more curious for me, because of it's relationship to my birthday-to wit, I am 36 years and 11 months old today.
I realize that most people get over (or just use as an excuse to drink) celebrating half-birthdays or month-birthdays sometime before the age of 10, and I expect I would have too, except for the whole leap year factor. Since I'm only N years and 11 months old every four years (where N is a multiple of 4; I was 11 months old on my first leap year, though for obvious reasons, I don't remember it), I tend to notice what I otherwise wouldn't. After all, I haven't celebrated a half-birtday since about 1980.
Also, I am wrong about
this prediction. The fourth "Sharing Knife" book will in fact be called Horizon. Since it was initially to be called The Wide Green World, I expect Horizon makes sense.
And finally, February 2008 is almost over. Even without the extra day, I would say this has been one of the longest months of my life, for obvious reasons. I'll still a little bit ambivalent though, since every day that takes me further from February 2008 takes me further from an important part of my life. But then the further away I get, the more the remembering will be a treasure and not a burden.