The esteemed assface from Arkansas

Jan 08, 2008 09:52

From Cheers and Jeers over at Daily Kos comes this sentence that made me laugh and laugh:

Not since James Buchanan and John Fremont made 'Assface' the seminal phrase in 1856 has a single word been uttered during a presidential campaign as frequently as 'change.'

Not because of the 'change' part, by the way. After the last seven years, everyone's using the word 'change' on the campaign trail? Whoda thunk it? No, I just love the idea of James Buchanan and John C. Freemont barking "assface" at each other so often that their mutton chops become soiled with saliva and mucus.

It also reminds me of a couple of things about my own campaign. For one thing, my failure to build a constituency has denied the world the opportunity to see me bark "Assface" at Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain, or Fred Thompson. The world may not mourn this lost opportunity, but I do. I'll have to keep it in my back pocket for 2012.

Also, I don't know if you noticed, but my Iowa campaign did just as well (okay, there was a statistically insignificant difference) as two men who combined have over a half-century of experience in the Senate. I tied household names. And I didn't even campaign. Fuck Ron Paul! I am the insurgency candidate! Sadly, I can't head up to NH today because 1) I'm not on the ballot and b) I'm stuck at work.


humor, campaign, politics

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