Move over, little Ricky

Aug 09, 2007 09:13

Also, in today's news, not only is Mitt Romney an asshat, he just earned himself a place on the sunshot. Governor Romney was asked, at a speech he was giving on how the military needs "a surge of support," why his five sons didn't join the surge, or the military for that matter. He said some stuff about life choices and a volunteer army, which is fairly reasonable I suppose.

Then he shot himself in the foot, the knee, the head, and the chest-in fact, I think he turned a machine gun on himself. He said, and I quote, "One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I'd be a great president." What the fuck?! I don't think your children feeding your ambition to be President counts as national service on a par with, in the same ballpark as, or in the same reality with serving in the Armed Forces in time of war.

In fact, I'll go farther. Governor Romney, you are loathsome. While I think that participation in our nation's electoral politics is a high calling, even moreso for volunteers than for the actual politicians, your children have a vested interest in your election. They're not serving the country; they're serving your ego. And to use that as a justification for why your children shouldn't have to fight and die at the same time you call on the parents of others to surrender their children to war is downright disgusting. I have nothing but contempt for you. And a spot on the sunshot right next to Rick Santorum in 2009.

asshats, sunshot, politics

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