I went to the exhibit on RACE at the museum
http://www.carnegiemnh.org/race/programs/. If the exhibit comes to your town GO, it was pretty thought provoking.
After being surrounded by so much discussion and so many images my brain needed some space I beelined for the exit...well in search of it anyway.
Not wanting to retrace my steps back though the hall of birds I went down a different elevator landing in the hall of dinosaur bones :(.
Finally I turned to the thin pale man standing near me. He was about my height with slightly rounded shoulders and very plesant-geeky-teacher looking in his faded blue and white (I think) plaid quarter sleeve shirt. I bet we were not that far in age but his stance and demeanor made him appear older.
Me - 'Hi excuse me, do you know how to get out of here?' I smiled, not wanting to sound silly adding 'This is not the way I came in', pointing up, 'I came down from the 3rd fl...'
Him - 'Yes, the RACE exhibit...'
Me - 'I didnt want to walk back through the hall of birds...'
Him - 'Yes I noticed you up there.'
Me - social graces keeping me polite but the emotional need for fresh air and to not feel trapped recognized the potential for more conversation but was already well on the road to which immediate escape was required. 'Oh, yes I was, do you...' looking around for an exit sign.
Him - 'Yea, oh I think it might be this way, I was wondering that also. Do you think these are the real rocks they put out (indicating the exhibits in general) or casts?'
Me 'not sure, maybe some are real but I think the bones are cast.'
We walk a few steps in one direction then spot a hall and head in that direction where we see the light from the gem room, beyond that the polar room which leads to the main hall.
Him - 'so have you been in this section?'
Me - 'no, not in a while.'
He pauses in front of the gem room and I can tell that although he hesitates this was where he planes to go. I think to ask if gems are his thing. I think to stand and hold more of a conversation or to take his pause as the invite to the gem room with him that his shy yet open stance is telling me its meant to be but the need to escape trumps his silent inquiry.
Me - (smiles, pointing towards the door) Well it was nice to meet you.'
He pauses a moment longer, I wonder if he is thinking of a better way to word his silent offer other than silence. I wonder if this is one of those moments that will never come again or if I'm meant to in the future encounter him again.
Him - 'you also'
Me - 'have a good day.'
I wonder if he often speaks to women or if our exchange was considered a success. I wondered if maybe he was a crazy murder, homely on the outside but crazy once he got you alone among the gems. Maybe it was a one time chance meeting, maybe a lot of life is the concept from the movie Sliding Doors :)