FF 13 Playthrough Updates

Apr 03, 2011 05:11

 Finally! The only reason I haven't played it till now is because we had a 360, but not a PS3 and I wanted to play the PS3 version because i'm a GRAPHICS SNOBBBBBBBB

Thank you to the lovelyvirago_queen for letting us borrow your copy!!! :D We'll be purchasing it in the future.



I don't even know... O.o

EDIT: APR. 2, 2011 Ryan (xmancharmx  ) is currently playing, so here is where i have gotten.

Breyva Lake. Character Opinion: Lightning I totally get her. :) She can be a bit naive at times. But, being a older sister of 3, I can totally understand her character. My little sister often times keeps things from me for the same reasons. I can be a big "older sistery" But its only because I helped raised my little sister. ;) Snow totally badass. I love him in every way. But then again, he has a personality much like my husband, so i should hope i do ;) I love how optimistic and strong his personality is. Serah  Seems ok, don't know much about her yet, but she probably should have told Lightning ;) Hope He's not getting on my nerves, YET. I am kinda annoyed that he hasn't told Snow anything...ugh. I have a feeling that that is a large part of the game -_-. But he IS a young boy, so its understandable. SazhHe's coo~ don't know much about him yet though. Vanille Quickly becoming my favorite Character...SO BUBBLY! I have a feeling there is more to her though.

Battle System: Its kind of annoying me because I was spoiled by 12's ;) I get frustrated that I can't control the character I like :D That is a cool feature from 12. I love the seamless battles and its ease to use. Another thing thats frustrating me is the fact that I can't individually choose what everyone will do. Control is sacrificed. You have to pre-set their actions. Kinda weird to me. But i'll get used to it....I guess. I love that they kept the "Sphere Grid" from X-2 and X. The most annoying thing is if the PARTY LEADER DIES, EVERYONE IS DONE....stupiddddddd.

Music : I got the soundtrack MONTHS ago, so the music is really pretty <3

Hmmm the story is of course AMAZING :D Not much else to say. I hope I didn't forget anything out of what I typed last time...grrrr I'm currently loving the cutscene with Serah and Snow, just because I love LOVEY DOVEY.


I'm now in the third chapter. TRASH EVERYWHERE! lol Story is still EXCELLENT I'm becoming more and more frustrated with the lack of control in the battle system. I don't know why I find it annoying lol. I basically set stuff up and button mash X right now...not very fun :/ Where is the THINK element lol ;)

EDIT APR. 3, 2011 CHAPTER 5:

Traveling with Hope and Lightning. :)  Again, HIGHLY enjoying the whole Snow/Serah romance thing )^-^( squishes face <3 <3 xoxo.
Wondering about Cid Raines right now. I KNEW he'd be in here somewhere ;) lol I have Snow and Lightning's Eidelons now. Pretty amazing. I am STILL frustrated with the Battle system because things are being introduced reallllly slow. I can handle it Square Enix I promise! XD I love how the Eidelons help you with something that you need help with, and acquiring them requires you to complete a certain task. It teaches the characters something. :) Thats nice. Ryan doesn't really like Lightning at this point, he calls her a wench lol. Thats just because he is in love with Snow :P I'm getting the feeling that the characters are WAY RICHER in this game than any others. More depth. Maybe its because they have facial expression now. WHO KNOWS?! Way to GO LIGHTNING for giving Hope that dagger ;) HEAVY SARCASM (thanks zerrat ) lol I'm now getting out of the blasted forest. I love all the characters in their own way. Just like people, we all have our flaws and we work through them. I love that about this game so far. Not one of them is perfect (*cough* besides Snow*cough*) XD

EDIT CHAPTER 6: BULBASAUR!! Had to fight my way out. Now we are journeying with Sazh and Vanille. Let's see what they learn together <.< Ahhhh, poor Dazh :((((( That is a tough situation. Whats even weirder is Vanille! WHAT WAS SHEEE DOING THERE?! I hope everyone comes clean soon (can't bear the suspense!!!) I beat those two Forest Creature things. FREAKING TOUGH GUYS! lol I hope the game is longer than its seeming. Everything seems to be moving too quickly for a FF game. But maybe thats because I'm spending COUNTLESS hours in one sitting lol ;)

EDIT: APR 4, 2011 CHAPTER 7. With Hope and Lightning again, there go those barriers! Good Job for admitting that you're wrong Lightning :) Thats why Hope is there for your character development *cheers*!! RA RA! I love the story. I cry at the sad parts and at the LOVEY DOVEY PARTS ahhhhh! I LOVE FINAL FANTASY! This is why I became a fan in the first place!
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