Movie Reviews.....

May 29, 2006 10:39

So this past wknd I saw 2 movies...Over The Hedge & X-Men 3!!! However, I gotta admit I was incredibly surprised w/ the outcome in both. OTH was super cute. I kinda thought it would be lame & not nearly as good as some of my fav's (ie: finding nemo, bug's life, jungle book), but it was very very very good. I give it 2 thumbs up!!! Now for X-men...A little background...I am a hard core marvel comics supporter/reader. I grew up reading comics & watching cartoons like it was a 2nd job. X-men was by far my favorite comic growing up & I don't think I ever missed an episode. So when movie 1 came out I was excited & impressed, when movie 2 came out I was again excited and impressed, now that movie 3 is out I am kinda pissed off!!! There were so many things that were not done right & it makes me sad. So hey hollywood if your gonna remake a movie then damnit do it right!!! I gotta give this movie a thumbs down & an angry face!!! Internet land friends don't throw all your hard earned money away to the movie vulchers...which by the way are ripping us off majorly!!! $8.00/TICKET, $5.00/SMALL BAG OF POPCORN, $3.00/SMALL SODA = Half my freakin paycheck!!! What next $10.00 to use the bathroom & $15.00 for extra butter on the popcorn!!! What has the world come to??? Anyway, go see Over The Hedge, Mission Impossible 3, & The Omen!!! I am not a huge scary movie fan, but I rememebr the original Omen (came out in 1970ish) The little boy was hard core...very amusing!!! Happy Summer Movie Watching :)
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