Quick Intro. / Suggestion Box / Banner Maker Anyone?

May 31, 2008 14:33

Welcome to
dempsey_stills , an icon challenge community dedicated to the actor Patrick Dempsey!

The first challenge to this community will be posted on June 7th.
This is so we can gather enough members to make that first challenge worth-while. So please spread the word about our new community to all of your interested friends that way we will be as successful as possible!

Most of what you need to know is on the profile page. All other rules/restrictions for the challenges will be posted along with the challenge. Therefore, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know in this post. If it's in reference to a specific challenge, then you're welcome to post it in a comment on that challenge as well.

This post will be the suggestion box as well, so if you have any challenge ideas with pictures or prompts, say so here!

Also, if you are interested in applying for banner-maker, let me know via comment here.

Can't wait to see this community come to fruition!

!suggestion box, !mod post

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