Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who as you'll recall reached stardom by pretending to kill, maim, slaughter, decapitate, disembowel and otherwise eliminate various humans whom he deemed (for plot purposes) to be undeserving of continued life, last week signed a bill placing restrictions on the sale of "overly violent" video games.
But there's a larger issue: A real and documented cause of street crime is poverty. Gangs thrive in poor areas. Street-level drug dealing is a poor man's profession. People usually steal out of need, and it's poor people who have the need. None of this is a secret.
But the idea has become popular that poverty is visited upon those who deserve it, those who are lazy or stupid or just plain bad to the bone. We should not waste money on those folks. So instead of looking at complicated and icky issues, let's pass a bill instead! Let's wave a wand! Poof, you're gone, teen violence. Let's have dinner.
Jon Carroll is love.