(no subject)

Jun 30, 2005 22:39

Happy 4 Years, Chad!

1. pingengogons
2. your love of Coke
3. you stop and watch squirelos and chippies with me when everyone walks ahead
4. Rejected
5. legs together
6. the way you start books you like but won't finish them
7. sometimes I'll hear little extra noises when we're listening to songs in the car, and I'll look over, and you're just barely singing along
8. how undone you are by foot rubbies
9. fuzzy bear belly
10. snoogs, and how much you enjoy them
11. crabos
12. lobstrosses
13. you are inept at blowing your nose
14. when I make you laugh really hard, you tell me you love me
15. YARK
16. S.C.A.D.S.
17. it makes me proud that you slept with the girlfriends of all your high school enemies
18. the time you yelled at Andrew in Z6
19. you don't like dogs but you liked Sweetie and the other Eskimos anyway
20. pud foots
21. Meebs and how you sent emails from him to your family
22. shankies
23. the way you incorporate me into snoogs in your sleep
24. I've never had a friend with better taste in movies
25. and you're good at analyzing them
26. you're my best friend
27. you taught me that I could be cute
28. kittles
29. you don't like killing bugs because they only have tiny bug brains and they don't know what's going on
30. after 9/11, you cried in the shower where nobody could see you
31. other girls get crushes on you
32. imagining doing terrible things to other people and laughing about it
33. our first phone conversations when my tongue was pierced and you kept having to ask me to repeat myself
34. candy cronching teeth and wing mangleing teeth
35. your name: Chad Aaron Whitley
36. sockiiieeeeeeeees
37. your fascination with the female bottom
38. sticky legs
39. panty legs
40. the perverse pleasure you take in drinking whole milk, eating extra butter popcorn, and other things that are very bad for you
41. I can always tempt you into being noggy and splurging on happy foods like steak
42. chameleon grippies
43. you have a soft spot for small, cute things, but you also think things like bugs and lizards are cute too
44. you care about your parents and grandparents
45. Wolverine is your favorite X-Men character
46. you like giving food and money to people who need it
47. finding and hiding football nail clippers
48. all the strange little things you do to plan ahead or be prepared that are like your dad but you don't realize it
49. all your love in one little tiny kissy
50. the time it was a hurricane and my umbrella turned inside out and I handed it to you and shut the car door and you were left with one normal umbrella and one inside out umbrella and I couldn't hear anything you were saying, but you were gnashing your mouth around like a crazed retarded man and waving the umbrellas at me in the rain
51. you have giant bull testicles, and they are floopy and doingly
52. I won't even know you know that a song exists on a CD I like and then out of the blue you'll ask me to put it on in the car
53. you've never raised a hand against me in anger, even when I did to you
54. smoove slim monkey paws with little soft places with no hair
55. there are things about you I will never understand
56. blinky little mole eyes
57. monkey bottom with hairs that I spoil with shampoo
58. you know that being happy together is more important than any quarrel we have
59. your strange obsession with poo
60. the system you claim to have of socks and boxers next to your bed
61. eyebrows that go up with a crazy arch that is very mischievous
62. you have cheetah boxos that you can lift over your head while you are wearing them
63. being with you is almost as good as being alone
64. you always drive even though we both know I could drive too
65. you are so patient when I am depressed and you never make me feel like you love me any less for it or like I am being a bad person
66. the way it feels when I hug you and we both have our shirts off
67. once, there was a bee in the car, and you didn't tell me about it until we were parked and I had gotten out
68. you get why it is crazy that we're still in Iraq and Bush is still President and people are happy about it
69. you have strong opinions about the word bitch
70. if we are fighting, you never walk away or storm out or clam up, you just keep working on it with me until we've gotten things right again
71. when we're at the store and I ask if you have change to pay with, you always do
72. at the Renaissance Fair, you gave me the rest of your root beer after I drank all mine
73. when you're away I never doubt that you're not doing anything you know would hurt me if I found out you did it
74. you hold me when I cry
75. you make little kids stop cold and stare at you when they're running past us
76. the lizardo who wanted crickets so bad
77. I don't think anyone else gets Royal Tenenbaums like you do
78. you are willing to play video games for me to watch but you like it better if I play too
79. you compliment me to other people, even when I'm not there
80. it makes you sad when I'm sad
81. sometimes we watch TV together and we'll both see something and not say anything about it, and then later we'll both mention the exact same part
82. your creative writing, like in LJ, for LARP, or in easy essays for class, is so good it makes me jealous sometimes
83. when you see little girls with their daddies, it makes you smile
84. raising happy kids is important to you
85. you know that nothing is not funny
86. when I put nice clothes on you or buy you nice smelling toiletries or get you haircuts and stuff, you really do try to integrate them into your lifestyle
87. rattlies, specifically the one that took our English muffin
88. you lived with me for half a year with no bed and never complained that you had to sleep on the floor to be with me at night
89. you call them tiger stripies
90. when you make tigre pounce on me
91. coughing up our souls in front of Gunn Hall on cold days
92. if it weren't for you, I never would have LARPed
93. the only celebrity crush you've ever confessed is Audrey Hepburn
94. you remember and get excited about Greek and Roman myths and other folklore
95. the night I got alcohol poisoning, you sat up with me and poured water in my mouth for hours until I was able to get to the couch and pass out
96. you're like a baby, I'm like a cat, when we are happy we both get fat
97. Sports Night
98. such a grazy gromble face on such a lovey boogle
99. when we first got together you said you would never leave me
100. I didn't believe you then, but I do now

boogle, chad, love, anniversary

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