Again, I have neglected my poor livejournal. Poor baby. :(
There's not too much going on - thus I don't have the need to update. But... hrm... for entertainment purposes, in no random order the top ten things that have happened in the past two weeks:
1. Dale shaved his head. USMC bald. :P He still looks sexy - honestly, he looks like he did the day I met him (but his hair is darker now).
2. I switched my shifts at work. I told them that I was either leaving the store, or was going to have to have a different job. They offered me an overnight position, and thus, I get a .50 raise. Hooray! I'm in the accounting office two nights a week, and I work out on the floor for the other three. I have a set schedule, and I get to sleep all day. What could be better? My new set days off are going to be Sunday and Monday. If anyone wants to make plans for those days, let me know ahead of time.
3. I'd like to welcome
willowmoongrove to my friend's list. Welcome!!
4. I bought a lovely chair off of eBay in Houston for my living room. I <3 it very much. And the price was amazing ($30 for those who care to know)
5. I'm probably going to be going back to California in the next two months to visit my dad. It'll be a much needed vacation from the horrible Texas heat.
6. I am in need of jeans for work. If anyone has jeans between the size 10-12 range, I'll happily take them off your hands. Unless they're GUESS
jeans from the 80's. Sorry. :P
7. I bought a glass/chrome computer desk off of craigslist for $30, then saw the same exact one a day later for over a hundred. Score!
8. I want to paint my kitchen, bedroom, and Sam's room. I'm accepting volunteers for this project. I will pay you in pizza/beer/hotwings/sex (hahaha no.) I'm not sure when this painting is going to take place, but if anyone's interested in helping me redecorate - drop me a line.
9. My daughter is a pigheaded snot who will not eat anything besides popsicles, teddygrahms, and strawberry milk. Frankly, I don't care as long as I can get her to eat an orange once in a while.
10. I'm going to color my hair tonight. Asian plum is the color. I will take pictures if I like it, or I will wear a bandana for a month until it washes out.
Thus ends my random update. Feel free to comment, or not. :{P