Just sick

May 21, 2007 17:43

I think I caught some sort of bug while in Chicago. Been sick all weekend, just a bad head cold though. Pretty good today, aside from sneezing, and slightly runny nose. Left work an hour early because I completely ran out of shit I could do. No one else showed up except my boss's boss... something like that. Thinking I missed a memo or something.

Also I'm fucking sick of getting fake friend invites, on MySpace, from supposed girls that just want to sell something or link you to some dumb porn site. And now I've been getting spam comments on my blog! What the flying hell is wrong with people these days? They have to ruin any online community they find with their BS. I just got a spam comment on my live journal too. I guess I'm gonna have to start setting everything so only people on my friends list can reply. I hate shutting people out though. Oh well.

Dumbass spammers.

Otherwise, life has just been the same ol' shit. Have a good time at ACen, meeting a few people from the Dream that I had missed last year. Also good to see a few familier faces again. CP was nothing like I expected, but he was ok none the less. Maybe a little tightly wound at first but he loosened up after a while. Xaila was exactly as I expected.... maybe I seen a pic of her somewhere beforehand. *shrugs*

I picked up the first 4 seasons of Red vs Blue, all signed by the creators, while I was there. Also got a few commissions. Otherwise I kept the money spending to a minimum. All round a good trip.
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