Apr 25, 2011 11:02



Zelos Wilder grew up in a rich family. His father committed suicide when he was very little and his mother never really showed any love for him. She died tragically and it stained his mind for the rest of his like, much like his canon. He became famous, not only for his bloodline, but for his talents. Zelos is mostly known for his singing, dancing, an acting. Music became something he could escape with, and it only became easier because he had the money to do it with.

Other then his famous ego, Zelos also has another side. (TOTALLY NOT LIKE CANON, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT) He does errands for Hades and may possibly know others in the mafia though I'll leave that to other muns if they would like to know Zelos~

Relations known

Tamaki: THAT SON OF A--A childhood friend/rival of Zelos. They're a lot alike and because of that they're rivals. I mean come on, they're both beautifully charming. THERE HAS TO BE A WINNER. They always end up in a tie, but that doesn't stop them from competing with each other. They do argue, but they can be civil with each other. (LAE LET ME KNOW IF YOU APPROVE OR THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE, OKAY? ♥ ;A;)

Hades: The big shot that Zelos does dirty work for behind the scenes. You may have heard a rumor of Zelos being involved in the mafia, but it's not definite just yet. Zelos does a lot for Hades, going as far as helping Hades get his hands really dirty.

Sheena: The Meg to his Hercules The girl that Zelos wants. Big surprise there. Every time he sees her he tries to romance her and get her to go out with him. But what does he get? A SMACK. THE NERVE OF SOME PEOPLE.

Drakie boy: The two don't like each other. At all. B| Draco knows how Zelos works and vice versa. They constantly argue and snap at each other.But they secretly have a beautiful brothership~


Alice: The mayor's 8 year old daughter which happens to be one of his biggest fans. She's extremely adorable and polite. It also pleases him that someone so young is a huge fan of his music~

Mille: The most beautiful woman in all of Som-- wait. HE'S A DUDE?! NOOOOOOOOO! Yeah, that's what literally happened. Zelos hit on Mille, thinking he was a woman. So now every time he sees Mille..he'll be backing up and flailing. Never gonna fall for that again. B|


IF I MISSED YOU, I APOLOGIZE. I'm all weoifjsd;fo with RP now and I'm also very forgetful. Leave a comment if I missed you or you would like to know Zelos in some way~ I'm flexible for anything :)

!ooc, !au, stuff

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