Sep 12, 2020 21:41

[Character Name] Zelos Wilder
[Canon] Tales of Symphonia
[Point Taken from Canon] Post death

[Age] 22
[Gender] FeMale
[Sexual Orientation] Super Hetero but I'll throw in some Bi stuff in there if it gets interesting.

[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Color] Red
[Height] 5'10"
[Other] Exsphere in the lower neck area
[Clothing] costume AND wings :)
[Background] ANOTHER LINK
[Personality] Zelos can be seen to be a womanizing pervert as you would say. He also appears to be a sneaky prankster and being the comic relief of the group, always cracking jokes and flirting with the ladies in the group. He is very popular amongst women in his world, receiving gifts from them every day. Zelos is a very handsome man, always approaching and impressing women in situations. He's rarely serious when it all comes down to it, just laughing everything off and ready to cheer everybody up at hard times.

But there really is more then meets the eye.

Zelos hides his real self while giving the impression of being nothing but a pervert and a womanizer. He doesn't want to be taken seriously, giving him the upper hand on everyone else. Although he is referred to as the "Idiot Chosen", he's really not. He's very intelligent actually, graduating at the top of his class (also being a GENIUS in math). But he claimed that his hunnies took his notes for him in every other class.

As for the women, Zelos is all talk and no action. Of course his charming good looks are probably part of it but they simply just want him because of his title as the Chosen. Zelos never WANTED to be the Chosen. He strives for a simple and free life. He can also be cold at times. He's not afraid to say he doesn't like you to your face. He'll say it and he'll mean it. He has no patience for whiners and people who complain about their situation and not do anything. (This can be showed in the side quest 'Zelos' true nature')

In the pit of his heart, Zelos feels unloved and worthless. You would receive the exact opposite by looking at him though. He isn't masking himself. Being light hearted and a goofball is part of who he is. He's just underestimated. He has a kind heart and is willing to offer help to someone who needs it and is really trying. You'd be surprised on the insightful advice he can give.

If you're a woman, watch out. >:

[Specialties/Abilities] Zelos is a magic swordsman. He has healing spells along with others. He mostly uses close range attacks but he knows long range attacks and spells. Zelos reveals that he was given elven blood when he was an infant, giving him the ability to use certain magic.

His weapon of choice is a dagger or a smaller blade. His fighting style is quick and almost looks like he's dancing. Like I said earlier, he's a genius in math so he'll know a lot about that.

In canon, Zelos is able to talk to women and get items. <": If that counts!

He also has gold/yellow angel wings.

[Affection] Zelos is your typical womanizer. Any woman he sees he will surely try to sweep them off your feet. Please do not be alarmed of Zelos' extreme flirtaciousness. That's just who he is and he doesn't plan on changing any time soon. If you get pretty close with him friend wise (man or woman), you will be called a nick name and he will call you that from now on. He doesn't care if you don't like it. So get used to it. (: He's very perverted so he may throw some inappropriate gestures at you. He flirts with ALL WOMEN, even old ladies and children. Of course he will never put the moves on them sexually or anything. He'll call them 'Honey' or 'Sweetie', things like that.

As for dudes, he's not so close. But if you DO get close friend wise he'll be comfortable and give you hugs. You'll be his Best Bud. :)

Ladies, don't be afraid to slap him. He's used to it from Sheena.
[Fighting] Can other characters fight/injure/kill your character? You can also mention how well your character is at fighting and if he/she would invoke fights.

[Other Permissions] Not anything from his childhood or things like that. You'll see a lot of that in his dreams. But Telepathic characters and such can see/read his thoughts from his older days, like teenage and onward. No breaking the fourth wall please :( ♥ he's too pretty.

[Other Facts] Yo~

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