Jan 25, 2009 16:52
Here is Chapter 1. I wrote 5. Enjoy
Chapter 1
Ugh, morning already. If I sleep in for a few more minutes....*sigh* nope, I have a test in math today. I guess I'll get up.
Have you ever thought about staying young forever? What about being sixteen years old forever....it kinda sucks. I've graduated from high school about a hundred and ten times, and here I am again mid october of my Freshman year at yet another high school.
Being a vampire isn't all that bad. So many myths make people think that vampires can't live normal lives. The garlic thing - myth. The cross thing - myth. The stake in the heart - myth. The sunlight thing - kind of a myth. The sun does bother me, my eyes mostly. I have to wear sunglasses whenever its a sunny day outside and I have to keep my skin mostly covered or I get a pretty nasty sunburn. But I don't burst into flames when the sun rays hit me. It was really annoying before sunglasses were invented. Yes, I'm that old.
My body is alive, I mean honestly, how the hell does a dead body walk around? If our bodies died, then rigamortis would set in and we would frozen solid. That would suck too. No, my heart beats, my blood runs through my veins, my brain works. The difference between me and a human is my blood. Throughout the years, the advancements in science has allowed me to study my own blood. It wasn’t until about the 1950’s that I discovered that there are an insane amount of antibodies inside me. Hence the very fast healing and the inability to die. The antibodies make up most of my plasma, I barely have any blood at all which in turn makes it unstable, and yes, I have to drink it.
We get bottled blood from local butcher shops or slaughter houses. They don’t ask questions and we pay well so I don’t have to walk around the high school clenching my teeth together all day long. One 12oz bottle lasts me all day, I’ve gone two days but I turn into a real cranky beast if I allow it to go any further, and someone ends up dead.
Oh yeah, so back to the high school thing. It can be fun, I have a good friend that was turned around the same time as me. I’m two years older in vampire years, she’s 3 years older in human years. It’s a strange math but I am technically an elder to her. We don’t pay attention to that crap. Her name is Ann, she and I have been, what modern teenagers call, BFF’s for about two hundred years now. Best Friends Forever……for real.
Ann and I have traveled the US, staying in one town for about 4-5 years then moving on. Sometimes we go into high school as sisters, sometimes just as two friends transferring in together, sometimes we have a little fun, pretend we don’t know one another at all and torment the poor kids at school with our antics……what am I saying? We do that anyway.
Why do I stay in High School? It’s simple. I’m in hiding. How rude of me, I haven’t even introduced myself. My name is Elizabeth Hathorne. Yes, I’m related to the judge who condemned all those poor women in the Witch trials back in Salem. I was born that year, August 21st, 1692, so I guess I was automatically cursed. I don’t remember the trials at all, I was too young when everything happened. My father was Judge Hathorne’s younger brother.
My family lived in Salem village until I was fourteen, then my Father moved us into Boston. He was sick of the horrible things people were saying about his brother, our family, etc. So we ran. It was in Boston that I met my fate, that I met him. I was sixteen and walking with two of my classmates home from school. He was gorgeous, dark skin, dark eyes…..the perfect picture of tall dark and handsome. Being naïve girls, we followed this man behind one of the taller buildings in this fast growing city, and it was there that my two friends met their death, and I met eternity.
I don’t know why he spared me, it might have been because he was full from the other two since I was the last. I remember lying there, not being able to move my neck. I thought he had left, I was waiting to die, to just bleed to death. The next thing I remember was this gross iron taste in my mouth, then nothing but blackness.
When I woke up, I was in the hospital. There was an IV of blood dripping into me but I felt fine. As I woke more, I remember my mother falling onto me and crying, glad I was ok. They kept me there for three long days and kept asking me questions about my attacker and why I didn’t have any of the same wounds as the other girls. I shot my hand up to my neck to feel for it, as I remember it being there but my skin was smooth, there was no wound and it felt a little prickly to the touch.
All of my senses were heightened, I could see better, the slightest touch was like shooting a bolt of lighting through my body. I could smell……everything. A sense that took a very long time to get used to, and I could hear people whispering to one another three rooms away. Of course I had no idea what I had become, I’ve never even heard of a vampire. I couldn’t answer the Doctor’s questions, my parents finally took me home.
It. Was. Hell. There isn’t really an instruction manual when it comes to being a vampire, and I never saw the man that changed me again. I was scared, confused and…..very hungry. I kept eating, whatever my mother put in front of me I ate but it didn’t satisfy me. The anger grew, like a beast inside that I couldn’t control. I could smell the blood of the slaughtered cows down the street, I yearned for it, wanted it.
I tried to force myself to sleep, anything to not feel what I was feeling. The sun was annoying, I wouldn’t leave my house, I wouldn’t go to school. My parents were getting worried. Finally, it was a day….in October I think. A week or so after I was turned, I don’t remember all the details, I pretty much blacked out. My mother was cooking, I was curled on a rocking chair my father made while we lived in Salem. She cut her finger with a knife…….
The next thing I remember is standing over her with her blood dripping out of my mouth. My Father came running with my mother’s screams, I did him in too. I was out of control. Horrified with what I had just done, I ran. I ran far and fast and found myself in the woods near Salem, and that’s where I stayed for many years. I had learned enough from my Father to build myself shelter, and I had discovered how strong I was, and how fast. For blood, I would sneak into Salem village at night and with my sense of smell, picked off the sick cattle or dying sheep to drink. It was a crappy life.
I tried to kill myself a few times. I can’t tell you how horrible rope burn hurts when you realize the rope really did snap your neck but didn’t kill you. It took me over an hour to get out of that stupid noose. I tried to drown myself, I threw myself in front of a carriage…..it caused more pain than death. I realized I was stuck with this life after I leapt off a cliff just outside of Boston, broke every bone in my body and healed in five minutes.