Yay! The party was a success! Or well, people thought it was a lot of fun anyway. We ended up fewer than we thought, but we made the best out of it and everything went as planned ^^ We did a lot of random stuff and everyone were so enthusiastic even though some of the things we did were a little... 'painful' XD It ended late though, so my dear, me and David ended up walking home to Yoru-chan's place around six in the morning (it was so fucking cold!) after having cleaned for two hours ^^; I slept like a rock! XD
And I got my birthday present from Yoru-chan today (
yoru_no_neko ) and it's one of the best I have ever received! She really knows me well, thanks babe~~!
She got me a Chocobo Plush!! <3333 God I so love those birds from Final Fantasy (and now I have three things with them :333 ) Isn't it cute!