Fangirl Mode Active XD

Jan 15, 2008 22:05

I'm all hyper atm XD I just finished watching the Making Of Purple Line PV with DBSK (yes, I know I'm slow XD) and I was like "WHERE the HELL have I been all this time?! I almost missed they were releasing a new album!" Ah, did I feel like a bad fan XD lol But one thing that really made me squeal myself raw was when during the making of, JaeJoong stands and holds a parrot on his arm!!! *__* <3 I myself have parrots and birds are my absolute fave animal, so seeing Joongie with a cute parrot sent me crazy XD They looked so cute! <3 I took a screen on it

Aren't they adorable together! XD Gah, and the Purple Line PV looks so awesome, they're all so handsome! Can't wait to watch the whole PV *__*

Also, I have discovered a new favourite anime and manga of mine (I'm also somewhat late with this one XD). Full Metal Alchemist! <3 I saw three episodes 2 years ago, but never really watched the whole series, but now I've started to watch it again and now it's one of my favourites! It's funny, dramatic, angsty, handsome characters and has a very complex plot = EVERYTHING that I desire in an anime/manga! It sure has everything! XD Romi Paku does a parfect job with Edward's voice, she's a goddess, absolutely perfect for Edward. And she's also voicing one of my fave character's in Bleach, Hitsugaya! >3 Ed --> 

How can you not love that XD

I also found the FMA fan-made game Bluebird's Illusion a few days ago and I was SO happy! It looks amazing, one can not guess it's fanmade! It's also hard to get hands on, so I was running around my room when I found it XD So cute <3

And I'm working on my YunJae fanfictions again, along with all my other fanfics, yay! XD

I guess I'm still not as active here as I should, but it's hard to keep up with everything XD



full metal alchemist, purple line dbsk, yunjae fanfictions, edward, bluebird's illusion

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