What the hell man. Tammy is selling the entire essence of my childhood on eBay. Why not just put my freakin drool-caked Teddy Ruxpin up for auction, jeez. I mean shit, is that Nien Nunb back there? Empire-Strikes-Back era Han Solo? Do I see, dare I say, a Tusken Raider lying beneath my Greedo? Are we that starved for money? Maybe she should get a job.
Not my stack of Admiral Akbars! TELL ME ITS A TRAP, O LORD
Well, this just crosses the line. But whatever. I am going to go so fucking nuts when I hold sway over Tammy's legions of cutesy faux-"country" snowmen and scarecrows, and no, I'm not talking about eBay. Noone wants to buy that shit. I'm thinking bonfires.
Well, I'm going to listen to Bleeding Through and relieve my angst.