Jul 29, 2009 23:57
Dude, what a crappy day. I feel like all I did at work was give out samples and directions. It is beyond annoying to spend your entire day telling people where stuff is. I AM NOT INFORMATION. I know where the soap is, and that's it. Don't get frustrated with me when YOU ARE THE ONE WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING,
Also, people who have very little in their lives and need to make everyone else as miserable as they are are just buttheads. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
In lame news, I broke my glasses! I can't afford new ones until next pay, so I am just walking around with a crack in them! I feel like such a loser. Stephen wants to tape them up because he thinks he is hilarious.
Argh. Grumpy.
work sucks,