That Darn Cat

Aug 18, 2005 09:16

Well, apparantly my cat has launched some sinister plan to kill me through sleep deprivation, because otherwise then I don't know what the hell is going on.

Okay, let me paint you a picture of this here.
We have two cats. The younger one is named Daisy. She's friendly and playful, unless you're a stranger...then her reaction is "Run away! Run away!"
Our other cat is April, who is really a male cat, but hey, no one's perfect. He's old, mean, and obsessed with eating.
At night, we lock our cats in the basement because otherwise they keep my parents awake.
Because there are many breakables and way too many hiding places in my room, I always keep my door shut and never let the cats in, day or night.

Now, here's what's been going on. For pretty much the whole summer so far, I've been staying up pretty late at night (like until 1-3 AM) and getting up late in the day (like 10-noon). My parents obviously leave much earlier than that, and when they do they let the cats out, which is usually no big deal.

Except for some reason now April's somehow gotten into the habit of coming up to the door in front of my room after my Mom leaves and crying until I get up. And let me tell you, for a fat tomcat with a bad attitude, he has the possibly the loudest, highest-pitched whine I've ever heard.
So after I'm forcibly awakened (and he won't shut up until I come outside the door and leave my room), he runs downstairs ahead of me and goes straight to his food dish.
Which, so far, has always been still full.

Okay, WTF?? I'm not the one who feeds the cats in the morning usually, so how did I suddenly become She Who Is Bringer Of Food inside FatBoy's little kitty mind? Particularly when there's already food there, so if he wants it so damn much why doesn't he eat it? And why is he so eager to get me to feed him (although there is, as already indicated, already food) that he wakes me up and won't stop yowling until I come down to his bowl??

I swear, if he doesn't cut this out I'm using the water spray bottle on him next time.


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