Insert Your Own Entry Title, Cus I'm Not In The Mood

Apr 17, 2005 14:17

Daisy threw up all over the basement last night, so apparantly that hydrogen peroxide finally kicked in. She seems fine now though.

Haven't been doing much today...watched some TV. Why is nothing ever on TV on Sunday anyway? It sucks...
Well, I did catch that episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender that I missed part of on Friday, so that's good. Dude, are they ever going to explain why Tsuko was banished by his father, or what?? Boy, that's really starting to annoy me.

Lauren's Guitar Fund Status: $66 in cash, and $76 that I'll have as soon as Mom goes to the bank and cashes in some coind and a check for me. So...theoretically, $142 total. Woot.

I guess the plan for today is to finish up the latest chapter of Metamorphosis and do my BioTech notes.
Oh, and not start that Sawyid fic that's been poking me in the back of the head with a stick all weekend...dude, go away. I don't have time for angsty smut right now.

cats, money, tv, school

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