"And the Demons that Stalk Us...Will Eventually Turn to Dust..."

Mar 08, 2005 21:38

So, no, I ended up not doing those papers I needed to do after all. At least I did the take-home test for AP Brit...but the three papers that were already late remain undone. This does not bode well for the future.

I finished Heart of Darkness for AP Brit. Not exactly recommended reading here, folks. I've had to read worse for that class this year, but this still was not at the top of the list. I feel like I'm missing something...the story just seems so...flat. More deep, profound meaning than actual story.
Also, between that and Lord of Flies two years ago, both of which don't exactly paint a very positive image of what happens to people when they're seperated from civilization and go live in the wild, I'm getting very uneasy watching Lost, let me tell you...

I started my period last night, and it snowed so heavily this morning that I was almost a full hour late to BioTech. Not exactly a positive way to start off the day...

And then last night I had the strangest dream.
I was sitting in my room, talking to P. Diddy. Seriously...we're just sitting there on my bed, chatting about nothing. (What the hell P. Diddy was doing in my head, I have no idea: I hardly ever listen to R&B, and when I do, it's not his stuff. The extent of my familiarity with him is all those VH1 specials where they talk about how ridiculously extravagent his lifestyle is. But lo and behold, I was talking with him in my dreams and he's just sitting there in a black suit and sunglasses)
Now, I say we were in my room, and it did look like my room...except neater, and oddly bare: none of my posters or stuff on the walls, and none of my collected knickknacks sitting out on the shelves or dresser. Also, it wasn't in my house...it was part of an apartment (located above a coffee shop...?) that my family apparantly lived in, and it was in New York. Only I remember it looking a lot cleaner and old-fashioned than New York is when I looked out the windows, and the street it was on was rather narrow, and it may have been cobbled.
But I'm sitting there, talking to P. Diddy, when my cousin Jana from North Carolina suddenly comes up the stairs loaded down with suitcases and walks past my open door to another room in the apartment. The rest of her family, my aunt, uncle, and other cousin are with her too; apparantly they're staying for awhile. I'm not surprised, so I guess they were expected..Jana says something to me and I greet her back. I offer to introduce them to P. Diddy but they're not interested because they have so much to unpack. It looks like they've moving in rather than just visiting, they have so many boxes and stuff with them...
Also in there somewhere was Brendan Fraser as his role from The Mummy, only this time he was the mummy himself...and an oddly long-haired Jason Issacs for whom his Captain Hook character had become some alternate persona he saw every time he looked in the mirror.

I blame the estrogen.

I know this is Fanfic Writers Appreciation Week, but I really don't have any favorite authors, so...sorry guys. No recs from me this week. But feel free to participate yourselves if you've got some to share.

I've been playing my Sims 2 game again. I made a new family...it's Shannon and Sayid from Lost.
I made them as a married couple, and moved them into a charming little home. Sayid is in the Science career field and Shannon is in Politics...right now he's an inventor and she's a lobbyist. I actually bought them a new, bigger house with all the money they have.
They also WooHoo alot, so it's no surprise they ended up having a daughter. Her name is Nadia, and she's been through the baby and toddler stages so that now she's a kid. She has her mom's skin but her dad's hair...and sadly, a not very flattering combination of their facial features. She bares some resemblance to a chimpanzee. Well, it doesn't really matter since I'm going to get tham to havbe another baby soon anyway...
And now I'm off to make a Kate and Sawyer couple. Hee!

lost, sims, reading, dreams

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