Bah, Bug, and Hum

Nov 29, 2004 20:38

From dragong:

"If there is at least one person in your life who you consider a close friend, and who you would not have met without being part of an online fandom, post this sentence in your journal."

Try several.

Y'know, I really should be working on my two English papers...or reading Pride & Predjidice...
Yeah, fuck it -_-
At least I actually got some of my work done in my Web Design class today...

Anyway, the "'Tis The Season" spirit is in full swing at my house...meaning Dad is already complaining about the various muss 'n' fuss aspects of the holiday. The major complaint du jour? Pretty much anything to do with poor Grandma. See, after being alone in the house all by herself for the entire year, suddenly she's got her youngest son (my dad's brother Dale, the college professer) and his wife (Linda) and two daughters (Elise, who's 3-4 years older than me, and Jana who's two years younger) arriving in from North Carolina to stay for the holidays. So Grandma's trying to see if the heat works for the upstairs, and course it doesn't because the top part of the house hasn't been heated since they were here last year. And she's trying to bake the boatloads of cookies for the holidays that she always bakes, but of course she's having problems with the oven because it hasn't been used since she baked last year's holiday cookies.
To make matters worse, after Dad spent a good three hours putting up her artificial, decades old tree that she's had forever and he has to struggle with every she calls him complaining that she's been sneezing and wheezing because apparantly she's suddenly allergic to it.
Yes, suddenly allergic to a fake tree that I'm pretty sure she's had longer than I've been alive, and only Mom can ever think of hearing her complain about being allergic to it before. It's a head-scratcher, to be sure.
So it has to come down, because she's going to have some kind of intestanal operation soon and she can't afford to be having allergy attacks to stuff. So that's where my parents are right now...taking down the tree.

Our time has come
Watch me set it off
It's been awhile but we back
So you can count it loss
We lie in wait
Don't hesitate
When opportunity knocks
Break the locks
You rush the gates

Seize the day
We got moves to make
It's got to be now
'Cause we're half past late
Say what you say
But you ain't shown me nothin'
If you want me to feel you
Then you best to give me somethin'

All bark and no bite
Talking all hype
I hang with the illest
You, I don't recognize
Desensitize and paralyze
Sabotage headquarters
Flood your bloodlines
We sterilize

Here we come
Chant down dem Babylon
The wicked man
When he sees me I go run
Me understand
Why dem cowards don't want none

Underground blaze the sound to Armageddon

Our time has come
Set it off

Let your spirit fly
Stand up for yourself
Hold your head up high
Our time has come
Set it off
Let your spirit fly
Stand up for yourself
Hold your head up high
Our time has come
Set it off

I choose my battles
Unravel your crew
They still can't handle or fathom
What I throw at 'em
I can't imagine
They babblin'
Acting like I'm laughing
Don't find it funny
But I smile at your sarcasm

You plastic
So tragic
You fake
So you mask it
No gimmicks
No antics
We the real and we've outlasted
Your phoniness
So you best to come correct
You want to disrespect
Why do cowards talk the loudest?

Papa didn't raise no punk
On everything I love
If you ready
Then come and get it son
Overpower the strong tower
Infiltrate top ranks
Count down to final hour

Here we come
Chant down dem Babylon
The wicked man
When he sees me I go run
Me understand
Why dem cowards don't want none

Underground blaze the sound to Armageddon

Our time has come
Set it off

Let your spirit fly
Stand up for yourself
Hold your head up high
Our time has come
Set it off
Let your spirit fly
Stand up for yourself
Hold your head up high
Our time has come
Set it off

Let your spirit fly
We made it
We made it
We made it this far
Let your spirit fly
Don't you quit
Don't you quit
Don't you quit on me
Let your spirit fly
We made it
We made it
We made it this far
Let your spirit fly


Set it off

Let your spirit fly
Stand up for yourself
Hold your head up high
Our time has come
Set it off
Let your spirit fly
Stand up for yourself
Hold your head up high
Our time has come
Set it off
Let your spirit fly
Let your spirit fly
Let your spirit fly
Let your spirit fly
Let your spirit fly
Let your spirit fly
Our time has come
Set it off

family, reading, fandom, song lyrics, friends, school

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