WIP Sherlock/Dollhouse Crossover: "Synchronized Duplicity" (Sherlock/John, PG-13)

Mar 10, 2012 22:31

(So, um. I've been a little naughty lately and haven't let you lj-ers all in on some of the things I've been doing, writer wise. Firstly, yes, I finally caved and got an AO3 account. So far I've only re-posted five things, two of those being kinkmeme stuff that was too long to re-post anywhere else. I may eventually move some more of my MCU stories over there since that's my most recent fandom, but as of right now I have no plans to re-post anything else. Anything new I write will be posted both here and there.

The other thing is that for the past week or so I've been working on a Sherlock fic. It's only about halfway done so I've been a little ambivalent about posting it on lj, but I figured I'm far enough in that I can probably count on on myself to be invested enough to finish. So...yeah.)

Title: Synchronized Duplicity
Fandoms: Sherlock (BBC), Dollhouse
Characters: Sherlock, John, Lestrade, Adelle, Mrs. Hudson, original characters
Rating: PG-13 for mild violence, British swearing, Dollhouse-typical skeeviness, some sexuality, mention of drugs and alcohol
Length: 44,000~ words (so far)
Spoilers: through 2x03, "The Reichenbach Fall" for Sherlock; through 1x12 "Omega" for Dollhouse
Summary: In need of someplace to go once in hiding Sherlock Holmes ends up working for the Rossum Corporation. And then, as is usually the case, things get complicated.

Notes: Though I've described it as a crossover, this is really more of a Sherlock fic that borrows heavily from Dollhouse for concepts and set dressing. It actually creates an alternate timeline for Dollhouse and almost none of the canon characters appear; that said, it's probably still much easier to follow if you've seen the series. There are more characters from both canons that will appear later that I haven't mentioned in the summary, and eventually it should become something of a love triangle. Right now there are six chapters posted. The plan is for it to be twelve chapters long, though it may end up being fourteen.

Link: Synchronized Duplicity

dollhouse, archive of our own, sherlock, fanfic, link

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