Oct 25, 2004 21:59
So yesterday we went back to Geagua Lake for more volunteering, only they already had someone to do the Candy Corral so instead of giving us costume jobs, do you know what they did? Put us to work on rides. And when I say rides, I don't just mean the ferris wheel (well, actually that's what the other three girls were doing, but I digress)...I mean after about five minutes of training, me Chrissy and Gill were left to run the mine ride (which is basically a rollar coaster) by ourselves. Kinda scary, really...or maybe it just shows how safe and idiot-proof the rides are.
Or that the park managers are just careless. Whatever.
Really, it was kinda fun. I was doing the actual ride operation most of the time (intercom and a total of six buttons), though I did check heights or close the car lapbars for a bit. The lapbars was my least favorite job...broke two nails and jammed my class ring into my finger so hard I can't wear it anymore until the bruise went down.
I think the best part about doing the ride operation was the intercom, because I kept messing around and talking to Chrissy and Gill on it when the ride was out and none of the actual park workers were around (which was pretty much all the time). Mainly I kept saying stuff to Chrissy, because Gill was away at the Haybaler (they let her run that, if you can believe it) a good part of the day. So this is what poor Chrissy keot hearing:
"Clean-up on Aisle 12."
"This is the voice of God!"
"Chrissy, this is your conscience speaking."
And, my personal favorite:
"Oh, Gabriiiiel..."
Explanation for that last part...both me and Chrissy are Van Helsing fans, me more so than her. Thing is, I support the Van Helsing/Dracula pairing, while she most decidedly does not because she is a hypocrite who only thinks slash is okay when the involved parties are cute teenaged boys, like in her beloved Harry/Draco stories. I keep trying to tell her it's not just a fanon thing; there was subtext in the movie, I swear! So I started taunting her by going "Oh, Gabriiiiel..." to her at odd moments during play rehersals (off-stage, of course), which made her flip because she knew exactly what I was thinking while I was saying it. So, not only did I hiss it at her on the loudspeaker twice, but I also kept saying it on the way back to the bus at the end of the day. Much to my amusement, when I explained the joke to Rachel F (affectionately known as Flo to distinguish her from the other three Rachels we have floating around), who had actually seen Van Helsing, she not only thought I had a point about the subtext, she latched onto Chrissy when she least expected it, kinda pushed up against her and went "Ohhh, Gabriel...!"
I busted a rib, and Chrissy shrieked like a little Catholic schoolgirl.
I also went on four rollar coasters during my dinner break because I wasn't hungry. You're really not supposed to be able to ride while you're working, but I took off my shirt (I was wearing something underneath, thank you!) and no one stopped me. And Chrissy bought me fudge ^_^
Play reharsal today. Piece of crap, because no one had studied our Act 2 lines, three people including Chrissy were MIA, and Eugene was being a pisshead about blocking again...and we discovered he has difficulty reading the lines without his contacts and/or glasses. It was like he had whole word dyslexia or something.
Out of sheer boredom in my in-between Beachwood and Brush break, I posted the first chapter of The Voice of Despair on fanfiction.net. Already got one review, hee.
Got my videos for my Halloween party. Now I just need to throw together a costume and make sure all the girls (and Trent, whatever we're counting Trent as these days, being a future transgender and all...) know to bring candy and that we're having dinner.
Failed miserably at getting my BioTech and Brit Lit assignments done both over the weekend and today. Oh well...always tomorrow, I suppose.
van helsing,
drama club