"We're checking for Buffy, not a concussion."

Nov 21, 2010 00:35

Okay, so what with my prolicivity towards the bodyswap cliche and all and how much I love it, and realizing I didn't actually remember it all that well, I just rewatched the Buffy episode "Who Are You ( Read more... )

plunnies, procrastination, writer's block, tv, xena, lol, funny, quotes, things i like, requests, fanfic, buffy

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dollsome November 21 2010, 06:13:36 UTC
Teeheehee, I love Giles' "tiny, tiny babies"! And Eliza!Buffy being so sweet and disturbed and, "What's a stevedore?"

XENA FIC HUZZAH. Ummmmmmmmmmm!!! My brain sucks at prompts right now. But whatever this theoretical fic chooses to be, I am convinced that Callisto should be there!


demonqueen666 November 21 2010, 07:08:37 UTC
Giles really is so adorkable sometimes. And yes, Eliza!Buffy was awesome...she really did sound just like SMG's portrayal, and it was almost kind of disturbing.

Oh, I can totally throw some Callisto in for you, girlfriend~. I'll try to not go too far and spoil you, either. Where are you now in canon? To the episode, if possible.


dollsome November 21 2010, 07:15:24 UTC
The last episode I watched was 3x13 "One Against An Army"! Which, OMG XENA AND GABBY. :'( Has any other pair in the history of TV ever gone through as much as them, with so much EPICNESS and FEELINGS? They are like Mulder and Scully in campy ancient Greece! But, honestly, probably more sexually explicit. Which says a lot both about Xena's inneundo skills and XF's totally relentless repression.


dollsome November 21 2010, 07:16:50 UTC
p.s. Omg, Joxer should be the fic too! I MISS JOXER THE MIGHTY. He showed up in an episode of Legend of the Seeker I was watching a few days ago and I think I straight up physically flailed in surprise & joy!

... I reeeally need to beg Justine to watch more Xena with me soonish.


demonqueen666 November 21 2010, 07:19:22 UTC

Haha, I totally love how Sam Raimi throws his brother into any thing he ever makes - Ted Raimi shows up everywhere.


afullmargin November 22 2010, 02:17:37 UTC
Thread jacking because Ted is true awesome. <3 And your icon is love and delight and makes me want one of my own.

Joxer is perhaps the most under appreciated character in fic. :(

And seriously, the Sam Raimi/Bruce Campbell/Ted Raimi trifecta is made of pure unadulterated awesome.


demonqueen666 November 21 2010, 07:22:09 UTC
Okay - X:WP has some grade A level innuendo skills, man. Like, a black belt in the givings and leaving of innuendo. It is NUCKING FUTS. When I rewatched some of these eps the first time in high school I was all pearl-clutching SHOCKED at the idea I had watched this stuff when I was a kid, and not picked up on any of it. You know??


dollsome November 21 2010, 18:12:29 UTC
I know!! Haha, when Justine and I started watching it we thought that Xena/Gabrielle was apparently so subtext-laden just because, like, they're two ladies who share an epic love, so it'd kind of get the female version of the bromance treatment once in awhile. UM, NOPE. We have had many "omg, they just went there!" moments, and they are always SO DELIGHTFUL. Hahaha, Joxer noticing that Xena has a hickey and Gabrielle looking all guilty is probably my favourite one to date.


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