When you go, then everything goes

Oct 13, 2010 18:36

Work annoyed me today, so on my way out I wandered into the Steve Madden next door and bought myself a new 120 dollar pair of boots.

That'll show 'em!! ...Er.

First thing's first - as of today, I'm considering it open season on prompt claims at the Sweet Drabblethon, for those of you that have been chomping at the bit to go back and grab a second (or possibly more) prompt on top of your first. I still would like it if we got as many different people writing as possible, though, so by all means please continue doing what you can to spread the word and pimping; but I rank getting as many people a drabble request filled as possible slightly higher than I do encouraging participation, so I'm trying to do what I would consider being practical about it.
That said, a couple rules of the road, if you would:

1) Still follow the same pattern for making claims, leave a comment on the post etc.

2) Only ask for one (extra) new claim at a time - you may still come back for even more, but I'd like to leave some time in-between in case someone who hasn't made a claim yet wants it

3) Wait about 24 hours after making a second claim (for example) before making a third; I'm not gonna be sitting there counting the minutes on your timestamp or anything, but I think waiting for a reasonable amount of time to pass is a decent request.

Look, the Dollhouse crew made a music video set to "Remains" (that haunting song from the end of Epitaph One) for the fans!!
(Basically, I think this video illustrates in about four minutes where the biggest source of fandom divide occured with those watching the show: whether you thought what was portrayed was creepy, wrong and inherantly disturbing and couldn't stand it...or you thought it was creepy, wrong and inherantly disturbing and were fascinated and drawn into the story *because* of that. I think you all know where I stand, but getting another glimpse at it so condensed like this reminds me that the other take is still a fully valid point.)

image Click to view

Finally, we have this, the Female Character Stereotypes Flowchart that is already being linked everywhere in all its somwhat failtastic glory. Smartier, savvier and funnier minds have already discussed, ranted at, dissected and talked about, and I really don't care enough to retread that ground. So all I'm going to say on this chart and its so-called 'examples' is this: You know, it is possible to miss the forest for the trees. Or in other words - everyone has a sterotype. That doesn't make us any less 'real', and that's no more true for characters.

(However, because at this point I feel vaguely obliged to not close us out here without making some kind of "I AM WO-MAN" note, I am going to make a hopefully not entirely unrelated tangent about this song.

You know why I think I love this song so much? It's because it's a "I found out he was cheating on me, that bastard" song that does NOT a) cry and wail while wondering why, why, what they possibly did wrong, and beg for him to take her back, b) call the Other Woman a bitch cheap whoreslut slutty slut tramp and pin it all on her for HOMIGOD STEELIN' MAH MAN, or c) get way, way too lost in the Rage part of it, to the point where it's hard to get behind the Woman Scorned aspect, when if you stop and look at it for more than five seconds you start thinking "Hon, you do realize if you commit first degree murder over this, you are, in effect, throwing your entire life away over some man too sleezy to not follow his penis?"
Nope. It places the blame solely where it lies, the man, and doesn't blow the overall crime and upset out of proportion for being anything other than what it is. Yes, there is revenge and comeuppance, but it's a very clever and snide and not at all violent or poorly-planned - I'M LOOKING AT YOU, CARRIE UNDERWOOD!! - type of it, and in the end a very inherantly feminine kind. Also, it's set to a very fun beat; that's totally a legitimite point in its favor.

Smart, competent, no-nonsense woman power, indeed.)

dollhouse, writing, i thought you should know, meta lite, fandom, fake psa, sweet drabblethon, wtf, things i like, failure, thoughts, all the cool kids are doing it, video, girl power, random, real life, money, work, link, pimpage, requests, music, song lyrics

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