Avatar: The Last Airbender 3x05 - "The Beach"

Aug 27, 2010 10:45

"My own mother...thought I was a monster. [Pause.] She was right of course, but still, it hurt."

Ohhhh man. Azula showing off her complete and utterly psychotic lack of social skills. Ty Lee being especially Ty Lee flavored. Zuko and Mai being a total perfect example of the Goth/Emo teen couple, like by constantly leaning on each other yet still never, ever smiling...and they even shared a shade umbrella!
This episode just rocked my socks, you guys. I'd heard about some of this stuff already but that was nothing compared to actually seeing it unfold. Hysterical.

Also I never stop loving the fact that the creators for AtLA clearly know what's goin' on with fandom. This episode had some pretty blatant fanservice. The girls' swimsuits? (Wow, Ty Lee really is...perky.) And of course I would be totally amiss if I didn't mention Shirtless Zuko + RANDOM FLOCK OF DOVES. Like, oh my god; I died laughing when that happened.
Oh yeah - those guys know what's up, y'all. They know.

avatar, spoilers, squee, fandom, tv, lol, geeking, crack, funny, things i like, cartoons, omgyay!

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