SGU 1x14, "Human"

Apr 23, 2010 23:49

Well...that was pretty anticlimatic.

Seriously, we know they're getting those guys back. Four of our main cast stranded on another planet? Yeah. I don't think so.

So pretty much the only worthy thing going on in this episode was all of Rush's Waking Life esque stuff (which was....semi-interesting, character history and development wise, and that was about it) and the kinda lolarious bit of Eli and Chloe rambling on about why they should come on the mission when Young wasn't even going to argue with them.

Not a bad episode, persay. But, pretty much filler, from where I'm standing. (Although I'm sure the arachnophobes in the audience send you a big THANKS for helping to feed their spider phobia. Ulllllgh.)

Actually, ETA:
So does Rush not remember his wife dying, now? I'm really lost as to what actually happened there, because they never said concretely and contextually I feel like the 'clues' could be interpreted a lot of different ways.

At the very beginning when they explained what was happening, it sounded like the way it was supposed to work is that Rush was going to give up those memories (of the two years he worked on the ninth chevron while his wife slowly wasted away and eventually died) and in exchange room would be made in his brain for the data from the ship's computer.

Except the way it played out was, I think, not quite what Rush was expecting to happen, so...what? Where does that leave us? Does he not remember those years the way they actually happened, but the simulated memory-data-gathering experience we saw on the show is still in his head? Or does he remember none of that at all, he just woke up with some of the data and the key he was looking for magically in his brain, as well as this vague nagging sense of "your late beloved wife didn't want you to become such an asshole" because, well, otherwise that episode was pretty pointless character-wise, wasn't it.

Or does he, in fact, still remember everything, because alien technology never works the way we crazy stupid humans think it's going to?
Frankly, where I stand right now, I would've on my own just taken the ending as "Rush has the clue he was looking for but still kept his memories after all because, idk, character development aliens".
Which...I may be swinging in favor of that one because it also happens to be admittedly the way I'd like to have happened best. Because either of the other options kinda irk me. And also make me sadface. Just a bit.

Also, I think I need to get me some SGU icons.

sgu, spoilers, meta lite, tv

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