(no subject)

Apr 08, 2010 20:32

"Current: it’s electric current, in every bone and nerve of his body."

Well come April 26, a little less than three weeks from now, the first story of my Dollhouse Waking 'verse series will be officially one year old.

I know it probably seems a little self-centered. But I'm still really proud of what I accomplished with those fics; namely, plotting out such a long-running storyline, successfully carrying it through, and doing so for the first time ever, personally. I know I lost a lot of readers the more and more it went on, and the eventual conclusion never got quite that many comments, but I still feel as if (hopefully) there are people out there who perhaps enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it, too.

So I want to do something special to celebrate the Waking 'verse turning a year. Starting on April 26th, and possibly staggered/dragged out aaall the way to when I ended it, September 25th. Nothing huge exactly, but something. Something meta-y, writer-ly...you get the idea.

But so here's my question then: What should I do? My ideas so far include the usual, some meta posts on characters and/or plot developments, some Q&A sessions on specfic stories or the series in general, maybe even some fic commentaries. Possibly, I have just one or two more stories left in me to revisit that universe with yet. Maybe I'll even finally write out that list of fake fanvids I have stored in the back of my head.

But if I do any of this, obviously it would be for the "fans" - the people who read my series and are still interested (if indeed any of them are) in hearing more about it. So while there are some things I would like to do...I have far more interest in what people would like to see.

So go on then. This post is open and public for a reason. Tell me in the comments exactly what you would like me to do to celebrate, exactly what you are interested in seeing. Give me your ideas :)

If I throw this party, after all, it's only going to be a little bit for me. It's going to be a lot for all of you: the readers and commentators that made this even possible.

dollhouse, writing, i am an actual, questions, i like words, i thought you should know, plans, fandom, fanfic

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