Lost 6x07, "Dr. Linus"

Mar 11, 2010 01:45

Wait, so Jack is our man of faith now?

Guys, we are all so seriously screwed.

Most surprising revelation of the episode?

Ben makes the right choice for once! In two different realities! (CAPSLOCK WTF!ONE!!)

...Also, god help me, I now actually kind of want to "there, there" hug Benjamin Linus.

Best moment of the entire episode?

I'll admit it, even after all this time, I am such a sucker for a slow-mo, happy soft-music Lostaway reunion montage. What really made it for was that little part where Miles tapped Hurley on the arm, like "Dude, remember me?" and Hurley is all noticably glee-happy to see him. Awww, you guuuuys. *hearts*

Two other random thoughts:

1. I am so glad Richard is apparantly getting an episode finally, because I really cannot tell you how tired I am of not knowing what his deal is.

2. Fucking Widmore.

ETA: Almost forgot. Oh Miles. Shine on, you crazy grave-robbing diamond.

(You see what I did there?)

lost, spoilers, meta lite, tv

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