Day off from work after having a really epically sucky day beforehand, so been having kind of a stubbornly nonproductive veg-fest over here. But I still have some quickie skims from off my flist that I'd like to pass on.
First, I'm pimping this one yet again, because it's awesome, and seriously needs to be seeing some more action over thar:
ficangel linked to this, to which all I can say is HELL YEEEEAH:
The "sex is fun" challenge. Third, on a much less cheerful but more "food for your brain" type vein (merging bits of fanfic, fandom, and even original writing), we have an interesting meta post:
On Writing Horrible Human Beings Finally, going to happy times again, here are some icons made from that ridonkulous 'I'm on a horse!' Old Spice commercial linked everywhere that makes no sense and is therefore possibly the best thing ever:
Look again! The tickets are now diamonds. ETA something I forgot, and totally shouldn't have, so shame on me, shame:
O Death (Cylon & Human) by
kiki_miserychic A staggering little cross-compare/character study/relationship analysis vid about Cain and Gina utilizing two different covers of "O Death"*. Standard Gina/Cain/anything involving the Pegasus warning: BLEAK. For starters. But in that way where if you can stand it, you still somehow feel better after your soul is done crying and that weird static-y shellshocked feeling wears off again.
*For the record, I always prefer the Ralph Stanley version. But for that you can thank 'O Brother Where Art Thou'.