Write Right to Your Right, Right Now.

Jan 19, 2010 18:31

So I've actually been writing some stuff over the past couple days, though all of it has been pretty quick and dirty (no not like THAT, gutter-mind) and kind of random.

First I wrote a series of three AU ficlets, basically centered around the Dominic/DeWitt pairing, which can be found here.
One of these just may be a Harry Potter sorta crossover. Just throwin' that out there.

And then, last night I was up until four in the morning putting the finishing touches on...sigh, a Dollhouse genderswap fic. Oh, I am so very sad and wrong in the head, and worst of all, predicatable at it.

...So, I may be currently as good as living over at dewitt_dominic what with the pairing celebration weeks and all. In case you couldn't tell.

Also just a reminder, bidding over at help_haiti ends tomorrow. My thread is here. So far I am worth only 6 dollars US, which only makes me as kind of depressed because it's for charity. Remember: 1000 word min fic, for DH, Firefly, BSG, Lost, PotC and/or Repo!.

dollhouse, i thought you should know, money, fandom, link, crack, pimpage, crossover, fanfic, genderswap is not my kink

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