Saw The Princess and the Frog tonight with a huuuge group of people.
machi_neko made a Facebook event for it, and at least two more people showed up (including a friend we literally haven't seen in years since she moved to LA) - all told, we filled up an entire theater row, and still one of us had to sit in the row beneath the main group. Considering the entire rest of the theater seemed to be people with small children and we were all at least college aged, this was mildly amusing. (Also, me and Lauren applauded after every single musical number, which, according to our friend in the other row, drew some stares like we were crazy people. Hee.)
....And I am pleased to report my entire two pound bag of green gummi frogs got passed around and eaten in its entirity, but actually did make it through most of the film.
Oh, it was such a good movie. It was so pretty and the story was great and I loved all of the characters, and the songs were lovely and...yes. Just, YES. I already wanna see it again. So much love, and squee, and love. Yaaaay, Disney animation done right! YAAAAY! ♥ ♥ ♥