Gobble, gobble, gobble.

Nov 26, 2009 16:26

~ I caught something of a bad headcold from my boss. Monday I had a sore throat, by Tuesday it was more scratchy than sore but my nose was starting to run, and yesterday my throat was mostly fine but I sneezing and annoyingly congested. It only figures I would get a condition that makes it harder to taste right before a holiday devoted to eating -_-
Though I'm still sneezing today though, and my voice doesn't sound so good, I'm feeling mostly better. I'm sure I'll be fine by the weekend, if not by tomorrow.

From isis2015:

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

by peaces_icons
I have quite a few Disney icons in my roster, and several have hung on over several purges and rotations, which is sure sayin' somethin'. I've noticed a have a thing for icons that take these vintage, "childish", innocent characters and moments and pair them with ribald and perhaps crudely mature phrases, "Seriously, what the fuck?" for example - or, in this case, the implication that witnessing an enchanted moment might in fact be a result of a drunken hallucination. I just have that kind of cynical, snarky, sometimes inappropriate humor. (A good barometer if an icon I spy is one I want to hang onto is if it makes me literally LOL. I remember that this one did.)

by unknown maker
See...pretty much everything I just said about the first one, really. Oh, and this: while Aladdin was easily my favorite movie as a child, looking back on it I think it was more the story that was my favorite, not so much the character himself. I mean, really, he's kind of a smartass XD

by mediocrechick
Jack, on the show of Lost, pretty much annoys me constantly. When he isn't flat-out pissing me off. (In fandom, however, I can take him a little bit better. Especially when he's having sex with other men. Certain...other men. Named Sawyer.) He does, however, makes some truly excellant bitch faces. I think it's how "matter of fact" the implication that he's being here is what really kills me.

by unknown maker
Legally Blonde is...a good bad movie, and we'll leave it at that. (And a terrific musical.) It'll always hold a tiny corner of my heart that makes me smile and, really, there's just something about the framing of Elle and her body language here that I love. It makes the icon very verastile somehow. Like, I feel comfortable using it in genuine wangst posts, annoyed "bitch please" posts, I'm-pissed-at-the-world posts, and "emotionless" general posts where I don't have another icon I feel fits. When I first started on lj, I really didn't like blank icons and only used ones that had text of some sort or movement, but I've developed a much greater appreciation for them over the last couple years.

by unknown maker
Oh really, what needs to be said about this one?? It's classic Whedonverse crowning moment of awesome. Really, the entire extended trip to Pylea, especially anything featuring Lorne's family, was just aces. And there's just something about the phrase "dance of joy" that just makes me automatically smile.

~ I finished The Anglo Files this morning. Now I'm safely out of the world of concerning nonfiction and into a young adult novel, Starcrossed by Linda Collison. Very enjoyable period literature; very British, very 1700s.

~ Also courtesy of isis2015, I would be incredibly remiss if I didn't pass along a link to this truly gorgeous and epic Disney picspam. It's made out of screencaps from the ten movies that are considered to be the "Disney Renaissance", and goes through all the colors of the rainbow. Just...look at it. Seriously.

Well, today is Thanksgiving. And to everyone on my flist, even if you don't celebrate the holiday, I hope you're all having a wonderful day and that, in your lives, you do have plenty of things to be thankful for.
And I hope your family members are close at hand...or, very far away from you, if they're of that sort.

illness, holiday, real life, link, icons, reading, family, i think i actually need a disney tag, recs, cartoons, meme

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