Maybe it only dovetails with my interests in that it turns me into a giggly fangirl, but I have something to shooow you all...
According to deviantart these have been up since August/September, which just makes me so mad in that I'm only finding them now, because I'm usually so great at stalking following
bri_chan's art page. I am a huge huge fan of hers; I love all of her Disney characters drawings (see my icon! also,
this is still my lappy's desktop, as it has been for a looong time), and I think she does, hands-down, some of the best Gargoyles fanart I've ever seen.
But! It seems that for the Gathering of the Gargoyles con, she decided to cross two of her interests together, and did a series of sketches featuring the Disney princesses as gargoyles. And they are ah-fucking-mazing.
Y'all, I have no idea how she does it. All I can do is sit back and bask in my own awe and wonder as I stare and smile.
Snow WhiteGiselleArielJasmineAurora I think my favorites are Snow White and Jasmine, but really, I just love all of 'em. I love how cute and rabidly pink Giselle is. I love the mer-goyle design on Ariel. I love the awesome dragon-like details on Aurora. It's two of my absolute favorite things about her work captured both simulataneously: I love how she perfectly captures the Disney style and the characters she draws really look like the characters, and I love how her gargoyles always look perfectly like the style from Gargoyles. And these are both! Together! AWESOME ♥
I'm a little sad she didn't do all of the princesses, but she does say in a note if someday she has time, she'd like to also do a version of Cinderella, Belle and possibly Tiana to complete the series. I would love to see that.