Sep 30, 2009 23:52
So I had a nice long shift alone at the candy store today, and reading a newspaper out of boredom I discovered something interesting: not only was the Sweetest Day holiday invented by a fellow right out of my very own state, but actually, it was not created to be a second Valentine's Day.
Originally, Sweetest Day was designed as a day for performing random acts of kindness. Like, for example, sending presents to orphans and shut-ins, like the day's inventor first did.
This got me thinking. Since it's all about performing acts of kindness, how about hosting some kind of Sweetest Day themed fandom event??
I've never hosted any kind of 'athon before, and I think it'd be kind of neat. Nothing major - just a nice fun little prompt exchange with no pressure, just people doing unto others out of the kindness of their hearts.
Here's what I was thinking:
I'd make some kind of official prompt-gathering post sometime this weekend. Anyone who wanted could submit one prompt each, for any fandom they'd like. (Typical 'athon prompt, y'know, like with a pairing or character and a couple of words or a sentence.)
Then, the next weekend (say, the 10th), I'd post a masterlist of all the requests. People who wanted to participate would then leave comments (visible only to me) claiming which request(s, if they were feeling awash with generosity) they'd like to fill, and then I'd cross them off the list in the post. That way, no one's request would get filled twice, but it would get to remain a surprise which good samaritan was writing for you until the very end ;)
Finally, everyone who chose a request to fill would write a drabble (or more, if they really wanted to, but at least a hundred words) and post it in their journal on Sweetest Day (the 17th) and send me a link. I'd then make a master post, and eveyone could see if their requests got filled and by who!
So, no pressure, open to all fandoms, relativly easy assignment (100 words in a week), and no obligations or guilt...just encouragement of the sprit of giving and fandom friendliness! Sounds like fun, right? At least, I think so.
What do you guys think?? Interested?
a new tag for trying new things