*Riverstomps it* (Don't ask)

Sep 15, 2004 22:12

Well, I've changed my icon again to something more representative of my current fan obsession...No, I can't take credit for it; it was lovingly swiped from therealycats. The combination of that pic, the Buffy: "Once More With Feeling" quote, and the wonky humor that is the two combined was too much to pass up.
I have off from both schools tomorrow for Rosh Hashanah, so I plan on sleeping in until Xena comes on *pauses to contemplate the utter LAMENESS of that statement, and continues* and then maybe going out to the Bookstore. See, Mom & I swung by there today to get Lauren's birthday present and I happened to look at the individual comics rack. Not only do they have Green Arrow, but apparantly both Mystique and Emma Frost (aka the White Queen) have their own series right now. Terrific; now I'm going to have to buy a copy of each...
I think I might do some writing tomorrow. Either I'll attempt to start this Xena fic idea that's been bouncing around in my head for the past week, or maybe I'll try to start that next chapter of Frozen.
Something's getting written tomorrow, gosh darnit; I've had enough of this writer's block crap...

writer's block, xena

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