Happiness Comes In Small Plastic Containers

Apr 27, 2009 10:37

Well, as of today I have a nice new pretty male beta fish.

He has a half-gallon bowl, with blue gravel and shiny black rocks, and purple and blue gem rocks. And a little Moai dude to keep him company.

Fish and supplies at PetCo: $30.
Childlike exhuberance produced by posession of said fish: priceless.

He's blue. His name is Zydrate.

(He comes in a little glass bowl.)

One thing, though, for all you fellow beta owners out there: everything I've heard (both from friends, and the highly reliable PetCo beta care sheet) seems to indicate these guys are supposed to be fed every couple of days or so.
The little label on the fish food I got, on the other hand, tells me I'm supposed to feed him a couple of times a day.

I mean, I'm calling shenanigans, frankly. But I figured I'd better ask first.

real life, questions, changes, pets, omgyay!

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