Today I was lucky enough to get off of work after only two hours. Turns out my shift manager thought it was going to be busier than it was, and she scheduled too many people. So at 11 she left me and one of the servers go.
It was also a very nice day outside. You have no idea how weird yet amazing it feels to not be wearing a coat around here in March.
The big excitement of today was that I joined up with some friends from the Guild to celebrate Holi. It's this festival in India to celebrate the coming of spring, and the Indian Students' Association had it all set up out on the South Oval.
You throw brightly colored powder at each other, basically (and, apparantly, also water, soda, yogurt and possibly potatos as the situation warrants). Why can't more holidays be celebrated by throwing things? We should look into this.
For two dollars each we got sandwiches, beverages, and the joy of smearing very bright purple and pink powder on each other and complete strangers for about an hour. It was tons of fun, and by the time we were done we were all covered, saturated head to toe with mostly bright pink colors.
ravin_raven wanted to go to UDF and get rainbow sherbert (Me: "I'll come with you so you're not alone...and purple.")
And then I just walked home like that. This is one of the things I love about my big university: you see plenty of people staring, but nobody ever seems to want to ask.
Although, I am very pleased and amused to say that I just happened to cross paths with this Indian family that was apparantly visiting campus. The dad took one look at me and went "...Holi?" Hee!
And then I turned my bathtub pink.
(Of course, now it's evening and the doldrums have sort of set in again. I'm bored and tired...and I really want to write, but feel tremendously uninspired. It's super annoying too, since I more or less have the next chapter all mapped out. Grrr.)